Add a tenth

Play this board game to practice adding tenths....

No. of included Documents: 2 | pdf | 2 page | Grades: G5

These board games work help students to practice place value board games. There are a few different ones.

Add Ten

In this game students practice adding 10 to a number. This can still be tricky for 3rd graders, especially with multi-digit numbers.


How Many More to 100

In this game students practice stating how many more to 100. It is a great game to build that number sense within 100. Although this is more of a second grade standard, many 3rd grade students still struggle with it.

Subtract Ten From a Number

In this game students practice subtracting 10 from a number. This can still be tricky for 3rd graders, especially with multi-digit numbers.

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Add a Tenth