Balance Puzzles
Think about and arrange the numbers so that they balance....
No. of included Documents: 1 | pdf | 7 page | Grades: G3-G5
Flashcards are great for practicing the facts. There are many different types of flashcards. Some are visual and others are abstract. You will find all of these in our multiplication flashcard collection.
Array Flip Cards
These are great cards that allow students to visualize the commutative property.
Square Numbers
These are great cards that allow students to visualize and explore square numbers.
Array Fuzzy Monsters
These are great cards that allow students to visualize and explore multiplication arrays.
Balance Puzzles
These are great cards that require that students reason about numbers.
Clip Flashcards
These are great flashcards that work on instant recall.
Concentration Game Flashcards
This is a great set of cards to play various concentration games, compare games and match games.
Dice Flashcards
These are great flashcards that work on visualizing the facts with dice.
Distributive Property Flashcards
These are great flashcards that work on the distributive property.
Equal Groups/Arrays Flashcards
These are great flashcards that work on visualizing equal groups and arralys.
Even/Odd Flashcards
These are great flashcards that visualize multiplying odd and even numbers.
Missing Operation Flashcards
These are great flashcards that work on deciding on the missing operation.
Modeling with Kids Flashcards
These are great flashcards that work on visualizing multiplication facts
Skip Count Cards Flashcards
These are great flashcards that work on visualizing skip counting.
Regular Vertical Flashcards
These are great flashcards that work on instant recall.
Missing Number Flashcards
These are great flashcards that work on finding the missing number.